Saturday, April 4, 2015

In my early twenties a friend of mine gave me a baby scoby. I really didn't know what this was at the time but really wanted to learn to make my own kombucha after hearing about all the health benefits you gain when drinking it.
My family and I ended up loving it. The fizzy taste and the smell gets your mouth watering wanting more.  After my family and I relocated back to the Portland area I ended up giving away my scoby. Sad as it may be it was for the best. During this time I started seeing kombucha in the stores. I would be in night school and folks would be drinking it up. I did give the store brands a try  and really didn't care for taste. So I never bought it. Im not sure why it does taste so different to me then home made but it does. I do know folks who love store kombucha and that is fine, it was just not for me and my family.
In March 2014 I came across a web site Kombucha Kamp, I took the time and  looked it over a few weeks before purchasing  to make sure this was what I wanted. After all that  thinking  I purchased our kombucha kit. I was so excited when I got my package in the mail. First it was my  Artisanal Crock with a wooden spigot and USA MADE. I could have gotten a crock for less but I really loved the design and the fact it was made here in the USA.  Then came a much smaller box with all the other goodies inside.

  • USA Handmade Stoneware Crock w/ All Wood Spigot - (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!)
  • 2 XL Genuine KKamp Kombucha SCOBYs (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) packed in
  • 2 cups of Strong KKamp Starter Liquid (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) with live yeast strands
  • Custom Brewer Cap w/ Gripper Elastic (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) - Choose from 8+ colors.
  • Organic, Fair Trade Evaporated Cane Juice Sugar Crystals - 1lb - perfect for the first batch

  • 100% Organic Hannah's Special Tea Blend (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) -  Hannah's Special Tea Blend is a flavorful and nutritive blend of black, green and white teas with a touch of rooibos and yerba mate for depth and additional benefits. 4oz bag = approximately 60 servings
  • Muslin Tea Bags - set of 3 reusable cotton bags
  • Large Tea Ball - large capacity, easy to clean
  • 100% Organic Flavoring - Flavoring recipes included in Complete Handbook
  • 10 Lab Grade pH Strips - targeted range strips ensure your brew is in the safe zone
  • KKamp 50x Kombucha Concentrate - 20 Servings (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) - maintain your probiotic regimen while traveling with 2 travel-friendly 1oz amber bottles
  • 3 pack of Thermometer Strips  - one for your vessel, one for your SCOBY Hotel and an extra

  • I say this was one heck of a deal. We went big and are fine with it. We are super happy with outr results and are now on our fourth batch with two babies. I tell everyone we know it is best to make your own from home. If you have a gallon or two gallon glass jug and tea all you need is the scoby. If you don't have anything then please check out Kombucha Kamp AKA,  Mamma Kombucha for all your needs. 
  • My home brew is fantastic. My husband loves the blacken sweeter tea and the kids love the tea with fruit. Today I made up three batches. One batch is green tea and the second batch is black tea. Now that I have two new batches going ( 2 gallons each) I took 1 gallon of kombucha to make the kids some Kombucha Peach Green Tea. Seeing as summer is here we have so much fruit in the house. Fresh and frozen. With this batch I used frozen. Our children ate up all our fresh peaches!  The benefits you get when drinking this is just outstanding. Who wouldn't want to drink this over juice or soda?
    Green Tea It is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins, which function as powerful antioxidants .
    These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals are known to play a role in aging and all sorts of diseases. Green tea can help keep you alert and improve brain function as it contains caffeine. Green Tea also increases fat burning and improves physical performance. So Instead of a cup of coffee maybe try this out and see how you feel.

    Peaches have an anti-aging properties, and increase immunity. Peaches also help remove any or all unwanted toxins from your body ( mmmm sounds good to me) Peaches are also rich in fiber and vitamins A,B,D and E.  So a peach a day just might do some good to the ole body!

    Kombucha aids in digestion ad gut health kombucha also will boost your immune system and is a detoxification. In addition to beneficial bacteria, kombucha contains B vitamins and enzymes Kombucha helps to relieve PMS. How does this work?  B vitamins help break down and flush out excess estrogen from the body (a condition called estrogen dominance). This can help to reduce PMS symptoms. The general consensus seems to be that with regular, daily use of kombucha you will start noticing health improvement in the immune system and energy levels in about a week to a month .This is for anything that might be minor. For those who have a more radical illness it could take a little longer up to a year or so. 
  •  Kombucha Peach Green Tea

    * 2 cups of frozen Peaches ( chop up to fit into jug)

    * 1 gallon of Green Tea Kombucha

    * I left mine out at room temperature for 2-3 days to allow to carbonate, but check it carefully as pressure can build up and break the jars if left for too long. Store in fridge until ready to drink.

    Now the big question where to get kombucha?

    If you like to you can get it from your local store or you can enjoy brewing it in your own home like me and so many other folks. Please check out Kombucha Kamp for your continuous brew package. 

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