Monday, June 8, 2015

There is no Official Degree for Herbalist

There is no Official Degree for Herbalist. I'm a self taught herbalist. I also attend an on-line course through The Wise Woman University Created by Susun Weed. I looked into schooling to become a certified herbalist and came to find out there is no OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE. I was floored. Knowing the the world is all about the PAPER and how long you went to school. This kinda threw me back a little. 

I find that I am  a herbalist ( with out a degree). I have been one with the herbs from a very young age. I have self healed and cared over my family for years. I have helped others care for them selves . When seeing the results in those I have help and hearing all good comments on my knowledge and the herbal remedies I have created with my two hands, keeps my passion and love for herbs growing more and more. 

Learning about herbalism is never ending. It takes a long time to lean all you can about one plant. Then to add 100;s more to the list will take even longer.Just like learning anything there must be passion and love that will also shine through your work. 
I love learning all I can and am super excited to do so. I do buy some herbs online myself, that I couldn't expect to find in my woods. Wild crafting is art to me and I love going out looking for my herbs.

 When I go visit my doctor I listen to what they have to say about what is going on with my body. I take it with a grain of salt and then take the time to  listen to my body to see what I can do to help heal it.Some times I just need TLC, relax, drink some infusions and all is good.  Yes there are times when medical attention is a NEED, thus why we have it. So use it. I have. There is nothing wrong with having both in your life. 

I find that herbalism helps us heal the body and mind as a whole. Although it may take a little time to heal the whole body, it is well worth the wait. Learning to lesson stress, changing a diet and adding herbs to your life is something I feel folks should look into before taking that pill for a quick fix. 

Reach out to a local herbalist or slowly teach your self about herbs in your area. 

I wanted to share another blogger who put it into good words on herbalism and the education factor.. 

Common Uses for Herbal Medicine

  • To improve general health and vitality and restore balance
  • To support healthy functioning of the body, especially that of the digestive, immune, reproductive, and respiratory systems
  • To address chronic conditions of imbalance in the body
  • To navigate any healing process with holistic awareness and intention

Custom Orders

I love to do custom orders on products including lip balms, salves, infusions, teas, bath products, face products, baby and mom products, and more. Please contact me to discuss how we can work together to create something unique to your body.
Any questions — please feel free to get in touch with me 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Ovarian Problems

Ovarian cysts is a problem I have had for some time. In the last three years I was poked at and put into machines so the doctors might find the problem . With every visit I would get the same thing, you are healthy and we don't see anything. 
Well then why do I have pain that bothers me daily? This is my question. For me my pain was on going, I couldn't walk very well as I would have sharp shooting pains. Sleeping was uncomfortable as well. Head aches non stop and then the off an on menstrual. The list goes on but Ill stop here. The doctors kept saying they same thing, We are not  sure what was going on.  Doctor said: maybe it would be best to be put you on some type of birth control to fix the problem or take out your working girls ( ovaries).
I was not OK with either one of those, as my doctor could not find a problem. SO, I decided to take my life my body into my hands. I started doing some reading and while taking my online course I read about these two infusions that would help with my lady parts

 I thought to my self I need to try something. So, I ordered my herbs and once I got them started making the infusions.  After about a week or so I noticed I was not having pains. Before I started the herbal infusions I was keeping tract of all my symptoms. Its help me see on paper ( my wall calendar) just how many days it was with out my on going symptoms.

 Here are the two herbs I used to help me. 

You will usually only have symptoms if you have a cyst that:
  • ruptures (splits)
  • is very large
  • blocks the blood supply to the ovaries (torsion)
In these cases, you may have the following symptoms:
  • pelvic pain – this can range from a dull, heavy sensation (associated with large cysts) to a sudden, sharp pain (associated with a ruptured cyst or torsion) 
  • pelvic pain during sexual intercourse
  • difficulty emptying your bowels
  • frequent need to urinate
  • changes to your normal menstruation – you may have heavy periods, irregular periods or lighter periods than normal
  • a feeling of fullness and bloating
  • indigestion or feeling very full, even though you have only eaten a little
  • lightheadedness or dizziness
  • extreme tiredness (fatigue) 

      Red Clover (trifolium praetense) grows in your back yard, or down the street. The flowers are actually purple in color. Harvest flowers for infusion, along with the set of leaves that closely collars the flower. Dry them out flat, not touching. This infusion tastes the most like black tea, largely because of its tannins. But red clover is rich in chromium, tin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and thiamine. It is often used to promote fertility, used daily for 3 months. It has good amounts of phytoestrogens that the body can use to make estrogens, so it can help soften symptoms of menoopause. It is also widely used as an anti-cancer herb.

               RED RASPBERRY LEAVES (Rubus spp.)
Brewed as a tea or as an infusion, raspberry is the best known, most widely used, and safest of all uterine and pregnancy tonic herbs. It contains fragrine, an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself.
Most of the benefits ascribed to regular use of Raspberry tea through pregnancy are traced to the nourishing source of vitamins and minerals found in this plant and to the strengthening power of fragrine - an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself. Of special note are the rich concentration of vitamin C, the presence of vitamin E and the easily assimilated calcium and iron. Raspberry leaves also contain vitamins A and B complex and many minerals, including phosphorous and potassium.
The benefits of drinking a raspberry leaf brew before and throughout pregnancy include:
~ Increasing fertility in both men and women. Raspberry leaf is an excellent fertility herb when combined with Red Clover.
~ Preventing miscarriage and hemorrhage. Raspberry leaf tones the uterus and helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage from a relaxed or atonic uterus.
~ Easing of morning sickness. Many attest to raspberry leaves' gentle relief of nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy.
~ Reducing pain during labor and after birth. By toning the muscles used during labor and delivery, Raspberry leaf eliminates many of the reasons for a painful delivery and prolonged recovery. It does not, however, counter the pain of pelvic dilation.
~ Assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk. The high mineral content of Raspberry leaf assist in milk production, but its astringency may counter that for some women.
~ Providing a safe and speedy pariuntion. Raspberry leaf works to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. It does not strengthen contractions, but does allow the contracting uterus to work more effectively and so may make the birth easier and faster.

 How to make an infusion:

  1. Place herbs in a glass container. I use a quart jar.
  2. Pour boiled water over the herbs to cover.
  3. Cover glass container with a tight fitting lid or a saucer to keep steam and volatile oils from escaping.
  4. Steep 4 hours or over night
  1. When the water has cooled to room temperature or steeped the recommended period of time, strain the spent herb.
  2. The resulting liquid is called an infusion.
  1. Keep glass covered at all times to contain the steam.
  2. An infusion can be refrigerated for up to 48 hours.
  3. If a stronger beverage is desired, that is called a decoction.
What You Need:
  • 1  Ounce Weighed  Dried herb of your choice
  •  Boiling hot water
  • Glass jar with tight lid or saucer to cover

Summary of Infusion Information

 Plant Part
1 oz/30 g.
1 oz/30 g.
1 oz/30 g.
1 oz/30 g.
pint/500 ml
pint/500 ml
Length of Infusion
8 hours minimum
4 hours minimum
2 hours minimum
30 min. minimum

Inflammation with in the Body- Herbs that Help rid inflammation.

Herbs to take to help rid of any inflammation in the body. No more pills that hurt you. 

What is Inflammation
Inflammation is a process in response to an injury, infection, or toxins. When the body is alerted to injury, infection, or toxins it sends all kinds of little workers to these areas where they will immediately begin the healing process of injury. 
The process of inflammation produces pain, heat, redness, irritation, swelling, and sensitivity to pain. The pain causes an immobility thereby giving time for the body to repair itself, save itself, and to alert brain to remedy the problem.
The body uses its detoxification systems to get rid of toxins to prevent being poisoned to death. When the detoxification systems are sluggish, or overloaded, the toxins are unable to enter the detoxification systems quickly and therefore must remain in the interstitial fluid and circulate in the blood, meanwhile the entire body is affected by the lingering toxins.

Ginger contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. These substances are believed to explain why so many people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis experience reductions in their pain levels and improvements in their mobility when they consume ginger regularly. In two clinical studies involving patients who responded to conventional drugs and those who didn't, physicians found that 75% of arthritis patients and 100% of patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief of painand/or swelling.

Dandelion  Anti-Inflammatory – Dandelion contains essential fatty acids and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can relieve pain and swelling. 

Anti-Inflammatory -The compounds in rosemary appear to help reduce inflammation in the body and inflammation is a trigger and indirect risk factor for many chronic diseases.

Relief Remedies:
  • Apply cold water packs (rather then ice packs on inflammation.)
  • Apply castor oil packs. 
  • Apply fresh turmeric paste on the external inflamed area, cover it with a cloth to make into poultice for pain relief/ inflammation reduction.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of rosemary with food.
  • Take 6 teaspoons of the powder or ground paste of fresh Turmeric/ curcumin daily to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Steep at least 4 teaspoons of dried ginger/ rosemary in boiling water for a brewed tea.
  • Horsetail heals tissues and reduces inflammation. The joints of this herb can be steeped in boiling water for a brewed tea or can be ground and applied on the inflamed area and covered with cloth to form a poultice.
  • In our home we love our iced ginger and rosemary tea! Its refreshing to the taste buds and great for the body! 
    We also eat the dandelions in our salads and I will use my dandelion vinegar daily in my water. 

    In my early twenties a friend of mine gave me a baby scoby. I really didn't know what this was at the time but really wanted to learn to make my own kombucha after hearing about all the health benefits you gain when drinking it.
    My family and I ended up loving it. The fizzy taste and the smell gets your mouth watering wanting more.  After my family and I relocated back to the Portland area I ended up giving away my scoby. Sad as it may be it was for the best. During this time I started seeing kombucha in the stores. I would be in night school and folks would be drinking it up. I did give the store brands a try  and really didn't care for taste. So I never bought it. Im not sure why it does taste so different to me then home made but it does. I do know folks who love store kombucha and that is fine, it was just not for me and my family.
    In March 2014 I came across a web site Kombucha Kamp, I took the time and  looked it over a few weeks before purchasing  to make sure this was what I wanted. After all that  thinking  I purchased our kombucha kit. I was so excited when I got my package in the mail. First it was my  Artisanal Crock with a wooden spigot and USA MADE. I could have gotten a crock for less but I really loved the design and the fact it was made here in the USA.  Then came a much smaller box with all the other goodies inside.

    • USA Handmade Stoneware Crock w/ All Wood Spigot - (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!)
    • 2 XL Genuine KKamp Kombucha SCOBYs (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) packed in
    • 2 cups of Strong KKamp Starter Liquid (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) with live yeast strands
    • Custom Brewer Cap w/ Gripper Elastic (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) - Choose from 8+ colors.
    • Organic, Fair Trade Evaporated Cane Juice Sugar Crystals - 1lb - perfect for the first batch

    • 100% Organic Hannah's Special Tea Blend (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) -  Hannah's Special Tea Blend is a flavorful and nutritive blend of black, green and white teas with a touch of rooibos and yerba mate for depth and additional benefits. 4oz bag = approximately 60 servings
    • Muslin Tea Bags - set of 3 reusable cotton bags
    • Large Tea Ball - large capacity, easy to clean
    • 100% Organic Flavoring - Flavoring recipes included in Complete Handbook
    • 10 Lab Grade pH Strips - targeted range strips ensure your brew is in the safe zone
    • KKamp 50x Kombucha Concentrate - 20 Servings (KKAMP EXCLUSIVE!) - maintain your probiotic regimen while traveling with 2 travel-friendly 1oz amber bottles
    • 3 pack of Thermometer Strips  - one for your vessel, one for your SCOBY Hotel and an extra

    • I say this was one heck of a deal. We went big and are fine with it. We are super happy with outr results and are now on our fourth batch with two babies. I tell everyone we know it is best to make your own from home. If you have a gallon or two gallon glass jug and tea all you need is the scoby. If you don't have anything then please check out Kombucha Kamp AKA,  Mamma Kombucha for all your needs. 
    • My home brew is fantastic. My husband loves the blacken sweeter tea and the kids love the tea with fruit. Today I made up three batches. One batch is green tea and the second batch is black tea. Now that I have two new batches going ( 2 gallons each) I took 1 gallon of kombucha to make the kids some Kombucha Peach Green Tea. Seeing as summer is here we have so much fruit in the house. Fresh and frozen. With this batch I used frozen. Our children ate up all our fresh peaches!  The benefits you get when drinking this is just outstanding. Who wouldn't want to drink this over juice or soda?
      Green Tea It is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins, which function as powerful antioxidants .
      These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals are known to play a role in aging and all sorts of diseases. Green tea can help keep you alert and improve brain function as it contains caffeine. Green Tea also increases fat burning and improves physical performance. So Instead of a cup of coffee maybe try this out and see how you feel.

      Peaches have an anti-aging properties, and increase immunity. Peaches also help remove any or all unwanted toxins from your body ( mmmm sounds good to me) Peaches are also rich in fiber and vitamins A,B,D and E.  So a peach a day just might do some good to the ole body!

      Kombucha aids in digestion ad gut health kombucha also will boost your immune system and is a detoxification. In addition to beneficial bacteria, kombucha contains B vitamins and enzymes Kombucha helps to relieve PMS. How does this work?  B vitamins help break down and flush out excess estrogen from the body (a condition called estrogen dominance). This can help to reduce PMS symptoms. The general consensus seems to be that with regular, daily use of kombucha you will start noticing health improvement in the immune system and energy levels in about a week to a month .This is for anything that might be minor. For those who have a more radical illness it could take a little longer up to a year or so. 
    •  Kombucha Peach Green Tea

      * 2 cups of frozen Peaches ( chop up to fit into jug)

      * 1 gallon of Green Tea Kombucha

      * I left mine out at room temperature for 2-3 days to allow to carbonate, but check it carefully as pressure can build up and break the jars if left for too long. Store in fridge until ready to drink.

      Now the big question where to get kombucha?

      If you like to you can get it from your local store or you can enjoy brewing it in your own home like me and so many other folks. Please check out Kombucha Kamp for your continuous brew package. 

    As you can see the weather is changing and its a great time to get out in the yard, community garden or even start a small pot of herbs and or your favorite veggie! I take pride when I grown my own food. Other gardeners and herbalist who grow do the same. There is something to be said when you can look back at the seeds you have sown and know you and the earth created something magical. 

    Grow Your Own Garden
     – Take charge and start growing your own healthy, organic foods. Look into raised beds, a rain barrel, a compost bin, garden tools, heirloom seeds, and even some fruit bushes and trees. Once you get the garden going you will benefit for years to come.

    The Community Gardens program has provided gardening opportunities for the physical and social benefit of the people and neighborhoods. 

    • Washington County Community Gardens
    • Beaverton

    • Multnomah county  Community Gardens 
    • Portland         
    • Polk County, Marion County Community Garden
    • Salem           

    Here we have listed just a few in the surrounding Portland Oregon area. Please contact your county for a list of community gardens in your area. 

    Seeds to sow. Finding seeds is not all that hard. You can shop at any store or online and start your garden with in just a few days. Grab a few at a local food bank. Now the question is, how to find seed with no GMO? I have looked into a few places that have been helping save organic seed with no chemicals or GMO. After reading and watching clips about our seeds being filled with chemicals and GMO to help rid off weed ( weeds are good my friends, you can eat them, use them in teas and for medicinal use) and unwanted bugs in the garden. How ever, the problem is that it makes us sick. Long use ( eating the fruit/ veggies and herbs) that have been compiled with GMO and other chemicals cause harm to the body. Please read about where your seeds come from . Learn more about GMO.

    Seed Savers

    Mike the Gardener Enterprises

    Click Link to Join the Club

    PlantCatching connects you with gardeners in your area and lets you do two very simple things:

    1. Find plants, seeds and bulbs, gardening materials and even fruits and vegetables given by fellow gardeners, either anonymously in a public area, or personally at or near their property.

    2. Share your passion by giving your plants, seeds, bulbs and your own harvest crops so that existing members of the site or even passers-by can catch, plant and admire them, or eat them.